Richfield Historical Society

Richfield, WI


Become a Member

We invite you to join the Richfield Historical Society, an all volunteer organization.

Your membership helps sustain the Society’s goal to preserve and share history regarding the Richfield area. As a member, you will receive the Richfield Historical Society's Newsletter three times a year.  If you enjoy reading interesting historical articles, Richfield Historical Society activities/event news, and also view photography—historic and current—our newsletter has it for you.

An additional benefit is the entertaining programs that are offered eight times a year. These programs range from authors to impersonators to experts on various topics. There is something for everyone. They are held at the Richfield Fire Hall, 2008 Hwy 175, Richfield, WI. Everyone is welcome to attend these interesting programs.

Your financial support will help make the dream of “Let's Get the Mill Grinding” a reality. We invite you to become an Individual/Family, Lifetime, or Business member.

We value all involvement - membership in the Richfield Historical Society is not required for participation in the various events, projects and activities of the Society.

Please join us and experience the satisfaction and fun of restoring the historic buildings in the Richfield Historical Park.   Enjoy the friendship of others, share the love of history, participate in active projects/events and attend monthly programs with presentations on interesting historical subjects.

As a member, you will be joining a community that supports the preservation of Richfield’s history, brings history into the present, and positively impacts the future.

To Become a Member of the Richfield Historical Society, click one of the following form links: Individual/Family/Lifetime Membership or Business Membership. Print the form, fill in the information and mail it with your dues to:

Richfield Historical Society
PO Box 268
Richfield, WI 53076


To Become a Member using the RHS online membership form and our secure payment system, click one of the following links:

Individual/Family/Lifetime Membership Form
Business Membership Form

To view the many volunteer opportunites available in the Richfield Historical Society click here.

To give a Gift Membership, click Give the Gift of History.

The Society is affiliated with the Wisconsin State Historical Society and the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (SPOOM).

For additional information, contact Dorothy at (262) 628-1037.


Richfield Historical Society calendar

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